This not a complete guide, just some notes on pitfalls and possibilities! 
I have added some special features which are marked with an asterix (*) below!

Variables can be defined and used when constructing a report. Variable names follow common rules, 
shall consist of alfanumarical and underscore (_) characters. The value of a variable is retrieved 
with '$' preceding the variable name. 

1. <setvar name="..." value="..." />
    The value part can contain arithmetic expressions such as "2*($n-1)+1". 
    There are some special values that can be used:
    "@ID" will find the line "0 @xref@ xxx" of the current gedcom record and return  "xref". 
    "@XXX" will find the first line containing the tag XXX (n XXX ...)
    "@generation" will return the generation number, valid only when sortby="generation", see below. 
    The name part may also be a reference to a variable which then must contain a legitimate variable name, 
    e.g. <setvar name="dump" value="dval" /><setvar name="$dump" value="25" /> will result in 
    that variable dval will get the value 25. 
 (*) The value can specify @$nam which returns the value of the variable the name of which is $nam, 
    i.e. the value of tha variable nam. A side-effect used for debugging is that when 'dump' defined as above 
    is used in <setvar name="dz" value="@$dump" /> the variables defined so far are printed by ReportParserGenerate.php
    to a file named 'my-errors.log' at the webtrees top. The first $dval entries are not printed. Example:
    explain='Förfäder i direkt linje samt deras familjer'

In order to create text in the report the following xml elements are used.

2. <TextBox left="$lpos1" height="12" newline="1"> ... </TextBox>
    The contents can be any valid xml elements and output should be within text boxes, see below

3. <Text style="name"> ... </Text>
    The contents can be pure text or <var ... > (see next paragraph) or other xml elements that 
    print gedcom values, see below. 
    N.B. space characters are significant and sometimes(??) new lines also. However tab characters 
    in the beginning of a line are ignored! 

4. <var var="..." />
    This will output the text (or numerical value) of the named variable. Here the name can be 
    given in another variable, as <var var="$dump" /> which will output the value of the variable 
    dval which is 25 in the example above. However, if a variable is not defined it will print 
    the name of the variable. If dval had not been set the output would be dval! 

5. <if condition="..."> ... </if>
    The condition can be specified almost as expected with the special trick that '>' must be 
    written as 'GT', '<' as 'LT', '&&' as 'and', and '||' as 'or'. Spaces may be needed for separation. 
    E.g. "$n GT 7" or "($n GT 0)and $x==0".

A report will collect data from several individuals or families. I have found two useful constructs 
here, <Relatives ...> and <List ....>. 

6. <Relatives id="$pid" group="$relatives" maxgen="$maxgen" sortby="$sortby"> ... </Relatives>
    This will create a loop to find relatives to the individual $pid. In each iteration focus is set
    on one individual and his/her gedcom record is easily available. Example:
        <SetVar name="sex" value="@SEX"/>
        <SetVar name="mid" value="@ID"/>
        <SetVar name="generation" value="@generation"/>
    group can specify one of 
    child-family    Parents and siblings
    spouse-family    Spouses and children
    direct-ancestors    Direct line ancestors
    ancestors    Direct line ancestors and their families
    descendants    Descendants
    all        All
    maxgen    will limit the number of generations to include, not valid for ...- family
    sortby    will sort the result according to
    generation    by generation number, start person is generation 1, increased by 1 both up and down
    NAME        by name
    BIRT:DATE    by birth date
    DEAT:DATE    by death date
    other        do not sort

7. <List list="individual"  filter1="BIRT:PLAC CONTAINS $birthplace" 
                filter2="BIRT:DATE GTE $birthdate1" 
                filter3="BIRT:DATE LTE $birthdate2" 
                filter4="NAME CONTAINS $name" 
    This will create a loop with the individuals (or families) that pass the filters, possibly 
    one to nine filters named filter1 to filter9. 
    Possible values for sortby are NAME, BIRT:DATE, DEAT:DATE, MARR:DATE or CHAN (change time).

8. <Facts ignore="$ignore" families="1"> ... </Facts>
    For the current individual or family, loop over the tags not listed in $ignore. 
    Focus is set on the found tag. Subrecords can be accessed directly, e.g."SOUR". 
    Now variables @fact and @desc are available, @fact is the tag name and @desc is 
    the rest of the line (n TAG ...). N.b. the same tag name can occur many times. 

When the focus is set on one individual, family or a fact it is time to create some output to the report. 
This should occur within a TextBox and inside a Text area. It seems that output can be generated without 
fulfilling this but don't rely on that! 

9. <GetPersonName id="" select="combined" />
    Outputs the name of the current individual if id= is missing or is an empty string, otherwise 
    it will show the first (birth) name of the individual whose xref is given as the id string. 
 (*) select can be used to print the latest name ("latest") or a combination of latest name 
    and the surname part of the birth (first) name: "Mary Johnsson b. Svensson" where 'b.' stands 
    for 'born'. This is a common way to write names in Sweden! 

10. <GedcomValue tag="MARR:PLAC" />
    Will output the value of the subrecord of the record currently in focus. The tag may be 
    as above if a family is selected. Many other records can have tag="SOUR:DATA:TEXT" and so on.

11. <RepeatTag tag="XXX">
    If the currently selected record has subrecords with tag XXX they are handled in a loop. 
    Text can for example be produced with <Text><br />XXX=<GedcomValue tag="XXX" />. </Text>.

12. <Gedcom id="xid"> ... </Gedcom>
    Can be used to switch focus to another gedcom record. Useful to be able to print parents 
    of a selected induvidual, or children, or ... it can also select subrecords of the corrent 